A bit more than a year has gone by since I completed building the KPA100 and the building bug has bit again. I spent a big chunk of this winter someplace warm and I brought my K2 (sans the KPA100), and kind of wished I had had voice capability. So, I decided to add the KSB2 SSB Adapter to my K2.
The kit arrived by UPS yesterday in the late afternoon, and I did the inventory last night. The kit was complete except for one capacitor and one resistor; I wrote to Elecraft about it last night, and the parts have already been shipped as I write this (thanks, Elecraft!!).
| Here's the kit, sorted into a variety of containers, and ready for assembly. As you can see, there's really not a lot of parts to this kit. However, as you can see here, the adapter board is pretty small, and there are a lot of small capacitors and 7 crystals, etc., crammed into a pretty small space. Should be interesting! |
The KSB2 board is Rev. G, dated 2011. I started construction this afternoon; I couldn't get too far because the missing capacitor is one of the earliest parts to be stuffed (and I really don't want to get ahead of the assembly instructions). Assembly is prefaced with a comment about not needing to straighten the leads on small capacitors, but also to keep them no more than 3mm above the board. However, as the leads were formed on C30 and C36, there was no way the capacitors would be that close to the board; so I straightened the leads (and fortunately did not break them!).